The smallest and easiest PLC of the world! • 1
bit logic |
Mnemonic | Operation | Code |
Remarks |
LD | Load | 0 |
Input –› Res |
LDN | Load Not | 1 |
NOT(Input) –› Res |
ST | Store | 2 |
Res –› Output |
STN | Store Not | 3 |
NOT(Res) –› Output |
AND | AND | 4 |
Res AND Input –› Res |
ANDN | AND with Negated Operand | 5 |
Res AND (NOT Input) –› Res |
OR | OR | 6 |
Res OR Input –› Res |
ORN | OR with Negated Operand | 7 |
Res OR (NOT Input) –› Res |
XOR | Exclusive OR | 8 |
Res XOR Input –› Res |
XORN | Exclusive OR with Negated Operand | 9 |
Res XOR (NOT Input) –› Res |
JMP1 | Jump if '1' | A |
Jump forward if Res=1 |
JMP0 | Jump if '0' | B |
Jump forward if Res=0 |
JMP | Jump | C |
Jump forward without condition |
• Jump
operations are relative to the current program counter and are
always in forward direction.
0=STOP=END : Terminates the program/ Calling debugger / program
1=NOP : No Operation. The program counter is incremented by one.
• LD
0 : Constant '0' is loaded / LDN 0 : Constant '1' is loaded.
example: 16 bit instruction=2A1B –› Opcode=2 and Operand=A1B –› ST
Assumed A1B=Output Valve3 –› ST Valve3
That's the complete specification!